OGG-03542 Failed to connect to the database. Verify that the connection string and following environment variables are correct

Error Summary:-

When tried to login with golden gate user in Oracle Golden gate 21.3

GGSCI (oracledatabase19c.com) 3> dblogin userid ggtarget@XXXX, password XXXXX

2024-05-13 17:01:49 INFO OGG-03542 Failed to connect to the database. Verify that the connection string and following environment variables are correct:

TNS_ADMIN = /oem/db/app/oracle/19c/db_home_2/network/admin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /oem/db/app/oracle/19c/db_home_2/lib.

Error: OCI Error ORA (status = 12514-ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

Solution :-

  1. Make sure environment variables like TNS_ADMIN and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set
  2. Verify LISTENER.ora and TNSNAMES.ora
  3. Given parameters also need to verified and set accordingly
  • local_listener

Also need to verify credentials of user sqlplus ggtarget/”XXXX”@prod

Happy Learning !!!!

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