Installation of Oracle Golden Gate 21.3 in OEL 7

Assumption: –

  1. Oracle Database is up and running
  2. Certification matrix is checked and verified for which Oracle Golden gate is being installed for Oracle Database

Note :- I am installing Oracle Golden Gate 21.3 for Oracle Database 11204

1. . Login as an Oracle operating system database user and create required HOME directory for Oracle Golden Gate

mkdir -p /u001/app/goldengate/source11gR2

2.. Unzip and install Oracle Golden Gate

cd /u001/software/fbo_ggs_Linux_x64_Oracle_shiphome/Disk1


3.. Browse software location for Oracle Golden Gate HOME, also select start manager option and manager port

4.. Post Installation of Oracle Golden Gate 21, navigate to Oracle Golden Gate home and check for Oracle Golden Gate manager status

5.. Also optionally verify the Oracle Goldengate libraries linked with the Oracle Libraries

Happy Learning !!!!

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